Accounting and Taxation

Managing the accounting and taxation of my business with ACFIN PARTNERS.


Management Service for Your Accounting and Tax Obligations

ACFIN PARTNERS positions itself as your preferred partner for managing your accounting and tax obligations. We offer a service that goes beyond traditional expectations. That’s why ACFIN PARTNERS, in addition to managing your business’s accounting and tax, acts as a true advisor by precisely explaining the contents of your accounts and providing advice to optimize your business results and tax efficiency.

Choosing ACFIN PARTNERS for your accounting management also means working with a firm that uses the latest technologies available on the market. For example, the software we provide to our clients for document submission uses artificial intelligence to facilitate the processing of your documents and information.

Services Provided by ACFIN PARTNERS Include:

  • Maintaining your company’s accounting (purchases, sales, bank transactions, closing entries, etc.);
  • Preparing your annual accounts and submitting them to the authorities;
  • Drafting your tax returns and submitting them to the authorities;
  • Preparing your VAT declarations and submitting them;
  • Regular meetings to review your situation and address any questions;
  • Point of contact for your auditors (if applicable);
  • Preparing various tax declarations both in France and Luxembourg.

Choosing ACFIN PARTNERS for your accounting and tax management is foremost choosing a partner.

Would you like to meet us?
Contact us today to discuss managing the accounting and taxation of your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why ACFIN PARTNERS for managing my accounting and tax obligations?
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Risk management is integrated into our approach. We identify potential risks to your business and develop strategies to mitigate them, thus ensuring a solid foundation for your long-term success. ACFIN PARTNERS was born from its founders’ passion for numbers and the realization that too many companies lack proper support. We interact daily with business leaders and at ACFIN PARTNERS, we are fully aware of the challenges you face. That is why we aim to be a major player in terms of support in managing your company’s accounting and taxation.

We are firmly convinced that the time you lose in administrative management can be reinvested in developing your business. Our approach is decidedly based on collaboration. We consider our clients as partners and wish for them to view us in the same way. That’s why we make it a point of honor to offer not only a quality service in managing your accounting and tax obligations but also a true advisory service. At ACFIN PARTNERS, we want to deliver more than just your annual accounts or your tax return; we want these documents to enable you to make informed decisions in managing your business. We aim to go beyond traditional expectations in accounting expertise and tax advisory.

ACFIN PARTNERS has a team of qualified chartered accountants in France, Luxembourg, and many other countries through a network developed over the years.

What is ACFIN PARTNERS' role in the daily management of my accounting?
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Accounting reflects the financial situation of your company and must therefore be rigorous and give a true and fair view. If you wish to delegate all or part of your accounting operations, our dedicated teams can manage your daily accounting with particular attention to detail. From recording your purchase or sales invoices to bank reconciliation, from making closing entries to preparing your annual accounts, the ACFIN PARTNERS teams support you throughout the accounting process.

Moreover, at ACFIN PARTNERS, we aim to be a privileged partner in steering your business. That’s why, depending on your needs, our team of chartered accountants can organize regular meetings with you to give you a status update on your company’s situation. This makes it easier for you to actively and serenely manage your business.

ACFIN PARTNERS, being decidedly forward-looking, provides you with innovative tools that allow for maximum automation, thus reducing the risk of error in your accounting. In addition to making your life easier, saving time, and making your accounting and financial information more reliable, our goal is truly to make accounting a strategic management tool in your business, rather than a time-consuming task without real added value. This way, you can make informed decisions based on comprehensive and reliable information to develop your business.

Can ACFIN PARTNERS assist with audit procedures?
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Many companies are required to undergo audits. In France and Luxembourg, companies meeting at least two of the following three criteria must be audited: 8 million euros in turnover (8.8 million in Luxembourg), 4 million euros in total balance sheet (4.4 million in Luxembourg), and 50 employees (same in Luxembourg). It is also possible for companies to decide to undergo voluntary audits.

As part of its services, ACFIN PARTNERS can handle all audit follow-up procedures, including daily communication with auditors, submission of supporting documents, various audit progress meetings, etc.

An audit can often be complex for a company as it requires considerable additional work on top of daily tasks. This can impact the development of your business, which is why ACFIN PARTNERS is by your side during your company’s audit, helping you free up this burden, focus on your activities, speed up the audit process since we are familiar with the intricacies of financial audits, and ensure a healthy and lasting relationship with your auditors.

With our experience in financial auditing in both France and Luxembourg, we understand the requirements of statutory auditors and corporate auditors. We can anticipate their demands, prepare the necessary supporting documents in advance, and serve as a reference point of contact to facilitate exchanges.

Can ACFIN PARTNERS assist in preparing my annual accounts?
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Your company’s annual accounts consolidate all of your accounting information into a single document comprising your balance sheet, income statement, and appendices. You are required to publish your annual accounts once a year.

In carrying out its duties, ACFIN PARTNERS commits to delivering your annual accounts within the legally required deadlines, ensuring that they present a true and fair view of your company’s financial situation while ensuring compliance with accounting laws and standards. We also handle the publication of your annual accounts with various authorities.

Beyond just providing your annual accounts, ACFIN PARTNERS truly aims to be your preferred partner. That’s why we systematically organize a meeting to present and explain the content of your annual accounts to you. Annual accounts should be used as an additional tool to guide your company’s strategy. Our team of chartered accountants is also there to assess your company’s financial performance and thus identify potential areas for improvement or development.

We understand that all companies are different, which is why our personalized approach ensures that your annual accounts are not just static documents but dynamic tools to guide your future business decisions and strengthen your market position.

Can ACFIN PARTNERS assist with tax matters?
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Tax legislation is constantly evolving, and navigating this environment can quickly become complicated. Additionally, the technicality required to carry out tax procedures is increasingly significant, making the task increasingly complex.
For these reasons, ACFIN PARTNERS provides you with a team of tax experts who can relieve you of this burden and optimize your tax filings in both France and Luxembourg.
Choosing tax support from ACFIN PARTNERS means ensuring compliance with various legislations, freeing up time and peace of mind, and optimizing your company’s taxation.

ACFIN PARTNERS can handle all your tax procedures and their submission to the competent authorities. In France, this may include the preparation of your tax bundles, income declarations, local tax declarations (Economic Territorial Contribution – property tax), VAT declarations, DAS2 declarations, etc. In Luxembourg, this may include your declarations for income tax, business tax, community wealth tax, and your VAT declarations, etc.

Declarations to tax authorities, whatever they may be, are treated with the same attention to detail and rigor. We simplify these often complex processes, ensuring smooth management and strict compliance. You can be assured that each declaration is filed on time, thus avoiding any penalties for delay. Additionally, the ACFIN PARTNERS teams communicate with you regularly to keep you informed of various deadlines, so you can anticipate them, particularly regarding your cash flow.

Are you a group which have implemented a tax integration system? Do you wish to delegate the management of this process? Our team of experts can assist you with this task. From monitoring tax deficits to calculating your group tax, we can also support you internationally through a network of partners abroad.

As your preferred partner, in the event of a tax audit, ACFIN PARTNERS can be by your side to assist and guide you in your exchanges with the relevant tax administration. A tax audit can be a source of stress and requires a significant time investment. We can act as the point of contact for the tax administration to relieve you of this burden. Of course, entrusting us with this task does not mean that you are not informed of what is happening since we are at your entire disposal throughout the audit process.

Are my data and information secure?
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We are committed to excellence in the execution of our services. Our commitment is not limited to the quality of our services but also extends to the confidentiality and security of your accounting, financial, and tax information. Security processes have been put in place to ensure the security and confidentiality of your information. In addition to the strict ethical standards governing our accounting profession, we make it a point to work with computer solutions that guarantee an optimal level of security. We commit to protecting your interests and treating your sensitive information with the utmost care.

If we were to summarize the support provided by ACFIN PARTNERS, what would we say?
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In summary, ACFIN PARTNERS is your preferred partner in managing your accounting, preparing your annual accounts, managing your tax obligations, and fulfilling your legal filing obligations. Our approach, deliberately focused on collaboration and exchange, aims to deliver a quality and personalized service that goes beyond your expectations. Our services will allow you to free up time to grow your business while providing the necessary tools for sound decision-making. Finally, using ACFIN PARTNERS also ensures peace of mind and tranquility about the compliance of your operations in both France and Luxembourg.